A dear friend asked me "how do people survive that don't know Him." Her question generated the following response:
I do not feel as sad about the ones who have never heard the plan of salvation as I do for the ones who have heard and have no relationship with Him. It amazes me - even in myself - how those of us who KNOW Him - really know Him - can draw close to Him during times of need and then walk away when things are "better."
Even as I reflect on my own life, I see how I have done that over the years. Ebbing back and forth in my closeness with Him like the waves on the beach. My prayer and desire is for those of us who follow Christ to have a close relationship with Him at all times - no matter what the circumstances - be it good times or bad.
In our human lives, true friendship exists through all circumstances. And for us, as believers, we must have that same type of friendship and relationship with Him no matter what the current "weather conditions."
Our closeness to God depends upon whether we choose to spend time with Him - or not. He is always the same. God is constant. He never moves. But we do.
Sharon Jaynes of Girlfriends In God put it this way: "Let's say that you met and married the man of your dreams, but soon after you walked the aisle and said "I do," you moved to Texas. He is still in North Carolina and you call him once a week to tell him what you need. Oh, let's say you call him on Sundays, except when you're too tired to pick up the phone. How much intimacy would you expect from such a union? How well would you know your man?"
Boy, that analogy sure hits the mark. Doesn't it? In plain English: How can we expect God to work on our behalf if we just tip our hat at Him by occasionally saying hello, stopping into church every now and then, and saying a prayer whenever we feel the need?
I challenge you, and I challenge myself, to get to really KNOW our living, loving Lord. We can do this by spending time with Him each day in prayer, reading the Bible and memorizing His Word. If we do this, I am as certain as the air that I breath that we will grow in ways we have never imagined.