Monday, November 8, 2010

The heavens

I went for my first bike ride since my surgery. It was a brief one as I quickly discovered a few things that made me cut the ride short.

It was colder than I had anticipated outside. Bike riding in the high 50s is not something I'm accustomed to doing. Frankly, I don't think I will learn to become accustomed to it either.

I also discovered that while it is apparent to me that I've made great recovery strides from my surgery, I'm not "back" yet. I found the short 20 minute jaunt to be exhausting. But I am certain I will regain my stamina in time.

Aside from the latter two points, I really enjoyed getting out to see things that we often miss as we hurriedly drive from point A to point B. On this particular excursion I noticed that the clouds and heavens were beautiful. Fortunately, I had my camera and was able to capture what I saw radiating above me.

God's handiwork is amazing. He sends us reminders of His love all the time. All we have to do is be open to stop and look around us.


  1. Beautiful pictures. I am not sure why that the older we get, the harder we find it to stop, sit on the grass, and look for shapes in the clouds. When I was a kid, I did this at least once a day with my cousin and other neighborhood boys our age. Skywatching is spectacular and wondrous. There are a couple of cloud poems by Sylvia Plath that I think would go wonderfully with these pictures.

  2. Those pictures are stunning! Can't wait to see what else you discover on your treks!
