Have you ever had everything lined up to go in one direction, only to have it do a 180 in less than 24 hours? That is what happened to me this week. Jer. 33:3
As you know, I had everything lined up so I could relocate to Florida. My household was packed. The handyman had come to do some work on my rental townhouse. I had the lawn spiffed up. The movers were secured for Wed., March 2. I was lining up a maid service to clean after everything was out of here. I had secured a storage unit to put my belongings in. I had my final visit with my doctor. I scheduled lunches with people to say goodbye. Things were moving forward. Josh. 1:9
All the while, I continued to pray that God would direct my paths. Proverbs 3:5-6
And he did direct my paths… just in a different direction.
At the end of last week, someone I knew very well reached out to me. He wanted to discuss me helping his company build out their external communication efforts. This contact was totally unexpected and way outside the realm of what I ever thought God would do. (Yes, there is more to this story.) Job 23:14
The bottom line is that I’m not moving. God provided exactly what I needed and I am staying in Charleston for four more months… maybe more. Job 22:28
Jer. 33:3: Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.