Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Tips for Fighting the Odds

His Majesty King George VI of the United Kingdom."The King's Speech" is a fabulous recount of the history of Queen Elizabeth's father. Viewers who look closely can learn how to fight against insurmountable odds. The film shares the story of King George VI and how he reluctantly came to the throne of England.

King George VI,  known as Bertie by his family, developed the habit of stammering at a very young age due to fears developed through some negative childhood experiences. While stuttering may not seem to be a huge difficulty to some, it was an enormous burden for George as he was required to speak publicly regularly.

Without delving into a detailed review of the movie, let me go ahead share some pointers about fighting the odds that can be found in this true story:
  • Perseverance is key: No matter what you are going through, stand strong in trials. In turn, you will build strong character that can help guide you during difficult times. (Romans 5:3-4 & Romans 8:25)
  • Overcome fear: Fearfulness can be dissolved when we commit to letting go of it and concentrate on the blessings in your life. (Isaiah 41:10 & Phil. 4:8)
  • Focus, focus, focus: Set your eyes on your goals and you will achieve them. Do not allow others to try and dissuade you. (Phil. 3:13-15)
  • You are not alone: Recognize those who stand by you during your times of need. Those who walk beside you and lift you up during the difficult times are to be treasured. (Prov. 17:17 & Prov. 18:24)
Have you seen the movie or read about The Reluctant King? If so, perhaps you can share additional tips for fighting the odds.

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1 comment:

  1. I absolutely loved The King's Speech! And you're right. Bertie's story serves as a powerful lesson to us all. With the love of a good woman and a patient mentor, Bertie learned to overcome his stammer and helped lead his country through the horrors of WWII.
