Sunday, April 17, 2011

Miracles Still Happen...

Praise GodImage by GlacierTim via FlickrIn Bible Study this morning I learned about three miracles. However, these miracles were not from the stories of the Bible. These were present day miracles.

The first one was shared by one of our Bible Study members who had been diagnosed with cancer five years ago. This past week he received a clean bill of health from the doctors at MD Anderson. He shared that the type of cancer he had is diagnosed in more than 16,000 men every year and that 11,000 of those diagnosed pass away. Praise God for healing my friend!

The second and third miracles surprisingly made it to the front page of The Post and Courier today. One headline read "Get Up and Walk" and tells about a man who had a degenerative disease that progressively got worse. By 2005 he was wheel chair bound and could not walk. In 2009 this Christ-follower heard a voice in the night that told him to "Get up and walk." He did and has been walking ever since. Praise God from whom all blessing flow!

The third miracle's headline "Surviving a tornado" tells about a man who emerged unharmed after a violent storm flattened the church around him.  Detailed accounts of this story on local news stations shared that he tried to get out of the church but could not find the key to unlock the door, so he knealt and prayed for God's protection. After the storm had destroyed everything around him and moved on, the locked door opened providing the man an exit. He was unharmed. Praise God!

Psalm 91:15 says "He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him;
         I will be with him in trouble;
         I will deliver him and honor him."

I know from personal experience that our living, loving Lord performs miracles all the time. He's done many miracles for me over the years. In fact, recent events in my life are a testament to what He has done for me. Jer. 33:3 and Ps. 34:1

So what about you? Do you believe in miracles?

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  1. I witnessed a miracle on 03/08/2010 7:37pm when the lifeless body of my newborn son was touched by the hand of God. That was the most faithful prayer I had ever prayed. I knew who had the power over life and death and I asked God to breath life into his lungs. He did!

  2. Yes, I believe in miracles. I probably see them daily and don't recognize them. Saw my child healed at healing service; heard stories from friends of their own miracles over the years. Also, I believe the fact the Earth is placed ideally, perfectly in a position relative to the Sun to sustain our delicate ecosystem is one huge miracle. Thank you for your post.

  3. When our 32 yr. old son was an infant he was diagnosed with an antral stomach web that would necessitate surgery at some point. No surgeon in SC had ever performed the surgery at that time since it was a rare condition. Eventually the surgery had to be scheduled because he would vomit up milk and nearly choke to death. The day we were to go into the hospital I opened up my heart to God as never before crying out to Him as I showered. I told Him I knew He loved our son more than we did, if that was possible, and that I had to put our tiny son in His hands....that I could no longer carry the burden. As you have probably already guessed, the night before surgery a barium swallow test was done which showed no signs of the antral stomach web. The surgeon was speechless, but I knew God had heard the desperate cries of a mother! Praise to The Lord for He is good!!!

  4. Praise God for all these miracles and others that have not been mentioned.

    Some people have sent me emails with personal messages about things God has done - and is doing - in their lives and the lives around them.

    How awesome that miracles still happen and that the Lord blesses those who love Him with all their heart.
